Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America. He has promised many, many things. Much of the population of the USA and even the World see him as some sort of Messianic figure. He is not the Messiah. He is a man. A man with very liberal ideas that I believe will be detrimental to America if they are implemented. I did not support Barack Obama in his quest to become the 44th President of the United States. However, he is now our President. I pray for him. I pray he receives wisdom from God. I pray for his safety. I pray for America!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Madness @ NIU

Things are starting to come to light in regards to the mass-murderer at NIU. At first we were told he was so awesome I almost thought he was going to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, it didn't add up. We weren't being told the entire story. Sure, he may have had some good qualities, but there was pure evil in him as well, and you can't hide that completely.

We now know that he was heavily into a violent video game. One in which points are given for killing people. Also, he had a demented fascination with one of the worst movies ever. So much in fact that he had a customized tattoo of a character in the movie Saw put on his arm. That should have set off alarms everywhere, but it didn't. The reason is that people either don't want to get involved because of apothey, or they are so desensitized that they don't see what is right in front of their faces.

If you have a moment, read This great commentary by John W. Whitehead.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Northern Illinois University

Once again families and friends mourn the loss of loved ones. Lives taken by a madman for no reason. What reason could there be for such a massacre? I will not post the name of the murderer. I will however post the names of those murdered when they are released. Please be in prayer for those grieving. Be in prayer also that this will never happen again.

Mark my words, we will find out that the murderous scum was fueled by music. Not just any music, but music that preaches death & destruction. It is the underlying theme in all such massacres. When we feed our souls with music, movies, video games, etc... that glorify death, it is no wonder that these things happen. We have had guns in our society for generations, but the music has changed, and changed dramatically. When I was in High School in the 1980's, we had a shooting range in the school. They handed loaded guns to the students. This was in a Denver High School, not a rural school. This school was also in what was considered the, "Bad part of town". No one ever was shot.

I will leave this here. I will have more to say. In the meantime, please pray. Pray for those lost. Pray there will be no more.

Friday, February 8, 2008

2.6 Million

$2.6 Million. You would need to work for 45 years and average a little more than $57,000 per year to make this much in your lifetime. That's a lot of blood and sweat. It is also the amount advertisers paid for a 30 second spot on the Super Bowl. The reason I mention this is because this will be something that I will visit from time to time. No, not so much the Super Bowl Commercials, but the reason Advertisers are willing to spend so much on them.

We are told time & time again that the media has no influence on people. Well, at least we are told that whenever someone is influenced in a negative way. If they are influenced in a positive way, the media is all over it. They love to honor themselves.

Either the Advertisers are complete idiots, simply throwing their money away, or they are as shrewd as the serpent in the Garden, luring the masses with empty promises of a better life, if only they purchase the product that is seen but for a brief moment. Sometimes the product is not even the "Star" of the commercial, yet the ad sill generates money for the company.

Does the media influence people? If a 30 second ad can get someone to buy one brand of chewing gum over another or ask their doctor about, Restless Leg Syndrome, imagine the power of a song played over and over again or a 2 hour movie.

As I mentioned, I will visit this issue more in the future. Until then, I need to find out what E.D. is. It looks like I can have some serious fun if I take a pill to get rid of it. The only thing is, why do I need to see my doctor about a 4 hour election?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Delicate Genius

OUCH! I have torn my biceps, at least that what it appears has happened. It is a long story, and since my arm is hurting at this moment, I will keep it short. I injured my right biceps about one year ago. It got better and everything has been fine. Well, it was fine until the end of December when after shoveling snow my arm began to hurt, A LOT. I also noticed that my biceps bore a striking resemblence to Popeye's. I thought this stange, especially since it has been several months, nay, several years since I've downed any spinich. Heck, I'm not even a Sailor! Anyway, after doing my due diligence researching the possible cause, I made an appointment to see a Specialist. An Orthopedic Surgeon. Yes, in the words of George Costanza, "A Delicate Genius". Well, this miracle man told me there was nothing to be done. I would have to live with it and slowly let my arm wither away like Bill Belichick with 1 second left on the clock. Oh, and that will be $276. I have since seen two other Doctors with very different opinions on the matter. They gave me hope. They gave me more than a couple of minutes. I had an MRI today. More to follow...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hugh B Avis

Hello, welcome to my first post. I hope to inform, entertain and basically share my thoughts with you. Unfortunately, I have to start this with some sad news. I found out today that my High School band teacher, Hugh Avis, died on January 30th. He was an awesome teacher. In fact, he won the Colorado Teacher of the year in 1982, the year I graduated. I could have graduated early, but I enjoyed his classes so much that I stayed just for that.
I last saw Mr. Avis in October 2007 at the funeral for his wife. I promised him that I would visit him. I told him that I would get some of the members of his band to get together and take him out to dinner. His last words to me as I left were, “Don’t forget to call me.” I never did. I knew he was not going to make it long after the passing of his wife. I don’t know why I didn’t get together with him. It seemed there was always something else to do. I hope he knows what an awesome teacher and person he was. I pray he is in the presence of the Lord and I will one day keep my promise to him when we meet again.